Limited Warranty
- In order to serve our customers and subject to the following disclamers and limitations, Lepro provides the following limited warranty. All Lepro products are covered by this warranty and we make no other warranties.
- The warranty shall apply for a period of at least 1 years from the date of original purchase.
- The warranty only covers products installed and maintained in accordance with the instructions we provide, and no warranty is made with respect to any of our products that are otherwise installed or maintained.
- Product dimensions listed are provided by our test and to our knowledge are as accurate as possible.
- Defects or failures arising during shipment or due to alteration, misuse, negligence, accident, theft, defective maintenance, damage by and actions of others, or where adequate care has not been taken to prevent chemical, ice, or snow damage to the product shall not be covered by this warranty.
- The warranty does not cover products that have been exposed to toxic, nuclear, or corrosive environments, or where operating temperatures fall below -40 Celsius Degree or exceed 60 Celsius Degree or .
- Due to the unsuitability of many cleaning agents such aspects of our products as could be damaged by their use, for example glass and finishes, are specifically excluded from the terms of this warranty.
- This warranty does not cover labor, shipping costs, removal or installation, nor does this warranty cover any product not expressly designated an OEM product when it is used as a component of and/or a finished good for a manufactured primary product without the prior written approval of Lepro .
Disclaimer of implied warranties
- Except as set forth in the limited warranty or otherwise required by law, Lepro provides all products as is and disclaims all other express or implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular propose and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed.
Disclaimer of implied warranties
- If during the warranty period any Lepro product proves defective in materials or workmanship, or fails to meet our published performance specifications for the product, Lepro's liability for any breach of warranty shall be limited to repair or, at Lepro's option, replacement with a non-defective product of substantially similar specifications.
- This warranty covers, and Lepro is liable for only that warranty coverage and damages Specifically detailed above except as may otherwise be required by law, Lepro shall not be liable for indirect. Incidental or consequential damages, even if Lepro has been advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer applies during and after the warranty period.
- If you discover a defect or malfunction during the period to which this warranty applies, repair or replacement is subject to the proper notification and consent of Lepro as indicated by the issuance of a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
- If you have further questions, please let us know.